What's In A Name?
The sky was a brilliant blue as we drove through Dillon, Colorado to the ice castle. But having arrived, we decided it was more kitch...

It's Been A Year...
Today you've been gone a year. How can it be a year when it still feels like yesterday? How can it be that I've asked the same...

Learning A New Language
Shalom - Hola - Aloha... Have you ever tried to talk to someone when you don't speak the language? It can be agonizingly frustrating. ...

Who am I?
If you've been following me at all, you likely know that the man who is my twin flame, recently passed to spirit. It was unexpected, ver

You Went Far...
On Friday the 13th, I sat in the sanctuary of our synagogue as Shabbat services began. I love attending services as the music is very...