Soul Shifts...
Every day, it seemed my connection to him was stronger. I could feel it when he woke up in the morning. I could feel it when he was in...
Finally, I can get back to the metaphysical part of my journey! I truly felt that, without the backstory I've shared the past months,...
Stand & Fight - My War with Bank of America
Too often, we are so caught up in the day-to-day part of our lives, that we cannot hear our higher guidance. We refuse to see the signs...
About Matthew...
I didn’t even know I was pregnant but, something was clearly off with me. I bought a pregnancy test, just to be sure; negative. I still...

Here Comes Charley
In 2004, we moved to Orlando, right before all the hurricanes! I had just spent more than a decade living in LA proclaiming I would take...

Into The House Of Mouse - We move to Orlando
Shortly after the Christmas visit with my sister and (soon to be) brother-in-law, Rob and I decided to move back to Florida. You might...

I Have A Sister
My sister Norine, is three and a half years older than I am and, until I was in my 30’s, the nicest thing she ever did for me was...

The Story Of Dylan
Eli was born in January of 1998 and Dylan was born in January of 2001. They're literally 5 days apart in the month... When I was...

Meeting Michael...
To say my first-born son is strong willed is kind of like saying Godzilla was a big lizard and to be honest, I think he has been that way...

Out of Florida and Into California - Moving, part 2
In the fall of 1993 I moved back to South Florida. I found a one bedroom apartment about a mile from my parents’ house. It wasn’t...