Letting Go
I sat there, looking at the text on my phone, and thought to myself, "One of us has to let go before someone literally gets killed..." We...

Anger... finally?
As I write this, we are in the time of the full moon in Pisces and emotions are high... It's been a productive, yet extremely frustrating...

Nature, Nurture, Or Does It Matter?
If you follow me at all, there's a good chance you already know I have two college age boys. Eli, the older one, graduated college (in...

For My Dad - The Stories of Albert
As I write this, the man I've identified as Twin, is lying in a hospital fighting for his life. So, I'm feeling the need to focus on...

Running With The Shadows
You know that saying, when the Universe closes a door, it opens a window somewhere else in your life? I've always liked that idea, and I...

Is it in your DNA?
I don't know what possessed me but, one day I woke up with a major need to get my hands on some Tarot cards. I don't think I'd ever even...

The class was called Beyond Psychic Protection and going there was like finding a long-lost piece of myself. I couldn't wait to go back....

There are others like me!
Now what the hell do I do? I was alone again and in a situation I didn't understand. Something more was going on with me and, I felt so...

Spiral Into Darkness
He left! He just fucking left!! What is it with people?! I'd never experienced this kind of behavior before and now, TWO people had...
The Vampire Returns
For two weeks I waited... He'd texted me a few times but the new theme continued; sexual conquest and the "plans" he had for me upon his...