Happy Birthday To Me!
A Gift From My Twin Flame I recently celebrated my 55th birthday and as is common with twin flames, my twin’s birthday was the following...

How Do You Know When It's Time To Move On?
“You can’t ride two horses with one ass, sugar bean.”~ Earl Smooter The movie, Sweet Home Alabama is one of my favorites and Earl...

The Universe's Timing Is Always Right
In the winter of 1989, I boarded a British Airways flight bound for London's Heathrow Airport. An hour out of Miami, one of the engines...

Can We Ever Go Back?
It's OK If You Don't Want To The relationship was over. We'd both moved on long ago though our friendship endured. We’d reach out from...
Is America Evolving Through The Chakras?
When we tap into the Source of Divine Light and Love, we are more able to connect to the growth and unfoldment occurring around us....

Hiking With Intenion; A Metaphor For Life
I’m a Florida girl, not a full-blooded native but, pretty darn close and, though I’ve lived and traveled through most of the United...

To Hug Or Not To Hug, That Is The Question
President Biden declared the Covid Pandemic over and, while folks may or may not agree with him, one thing we have all clearly been...

I have been missing in action. It's been too long since my last post. I know. I tell myself every day, "you have to sit down and write."...

How Did You Do That?? I ASKED! Seems simple enough right? Yet so often we forget how powerful we truly are. I do my best to live in...

Working My Way Out Of The Dark...
I sat in my car wondering what would happen if it tumbled off the bridge. It wasn't the first time I'd had this thought, or others even...